We're Still Here


We're still here.

Take a moment and let that sink in.

It is December 22nd, 2020. Back in March, I couldn't even fathom getting to this point (and still be living in lockdown).

Now say it again with a positive glimmer of hope,

We're still here.

We are alive. We are breathing. We all still have our day-to-day worries, annoyances, hopes and joys.

I shared this on Instagram a couple weeks ago and it ignited a lot of conversation and private DMs, so I felt called to share a bit more below.

Two emotions can exist at once — the gratitude, joy and exhilaration of life with a new baby and new house — and on the flip side, 9 months of life in a pandemic, a deeply unsettling election and current president, empathy for everyone, whether they are battling COVID, struggling economically or with their mental health, and the racial injustices in this country.


We have it good, we really do. I feel my privilege daily. But we also just moved (which is technically a big life stressor according to the Homes & Raye stress scale), have no childcare because of the pandemic, are doing all the cooking / cleaning / home improvements and are learning to take care and parent our adorable 6 month old for the first time.



I also wanted to share something I've observed over the past couple months working with my 1-1 clients. We're barely talking about nutrition. We're barely talking about intense exercise. Instead, we're talking about mental health, about reducing anxiety and getting enough sleep, about movement that feels good, about drinking enough water and what to do about family and the holidays. About how to fit in some self-care when you can't go get a blowout.

So my permission slip for you this holiday season and start of the New Year: ditch the laser focus on food. Instead focus on how you can FEEL BETTER in 2021. Add up all the little things and that is where the magic is.

You've probably noticed that things have been quieter over here. I'm working "part-part time" and prioritizing my shorter work hours towards my roster of 1-1 health coaching clients.

But, I'm still here. We're still here.

And most of the time, I’m playing with Jack and his new book shelf. WHICH WE LOVE.

And all I really want to do for the rest of 2020 is eat chocolate, sleep, have a big glass of wine, lounge around in sweatpants and ride out the end of the wildest year on record.

We will certainly be home for the holidays. Stay safe, stay well, stay hopeful and "see you" next year.
