Advice from 1999 — Wear Sunscreen


{My friend and I rocking the Speedo life in 1999}


During one of my health coaching client calls yesterday, I found myself talking about the graduation song of 1999, Baz Lurhmann's Wear Sunscreen*  —  and how my client might find just the right messaging if she listened to the song now, in her mid-30's. 

So, after our session ended, I texted her the song and I decided to give it a listen myself. I put on my headphones and danced around my home office (aka my apartment) and started to cry.

A good cry.

A few minutes later I get a text back from my client:

"Omg I cried. This was soooo good and exactly what I needed to hear right now. You always send me things at just the right time."

See the thing is — health coaching is not just about the food, or the fitness or the sleep. Sometimes it's about so much more.

It's our internal dialogue, our past stories we play on repeat. It's about leaning in to our growth and evolution.  

So without getting too woo woo on you, how about you just give yourself 5 minutes to listen to the song yourself . . . and let me know what you think?


Play on Spotify || Play on YouTube


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One of our FitVista readers so kindly let me know that the original author of these words is  the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune. How did I not know this!? We ladies have to stick together. Xo.